
Elenco delle pubblicazioni



SCHIUMA G., CARLUCCI D., “Big Data in the Arts and Humanities Theory and Practice”, CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group, (Forthcoming).

contributi a libri a diffusione internazionale

CARLUCCI, D., SCHIUMA, G., LINZALONE R., (2016) A Fuzzy Cognitive Map based approach for understanding value creation mechanisms of artistic interventions,” in Integrating Art and Creativity into Business Practice, IGI Global, (Forthcoming).

SCHIUMA G., CARLUCCI D., (2015) “The next generation of KM: mapping-based assessment models”, HANDZIC M. and BOLISANI E. (Eds), Advances in Knowledge Management – Celebrating Twenty Years of Research and Practice, Springer International Publishing, ISBN 978-3-319-09500-4; DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-09501-1

SCHIUMA G., CARLUCCI D., (2015) “Assessing the business impact of Arts-based Initiatives”, in Artistic Interventions in Organizations: Research, theory and practice, Ulla Johansson Sköldberg, Jill Woodilla, Ariane Berthoin Antal (Eds.), Routledge Research in Creative and Cultural Industries Management, ISBN 978-1-13-882113-2.

CARLUCCI D., SCHIUMA G., SPENDER J.C. (2014), Proceedings of International Forum of Knowledge Assets Dynamics, 9th edition “Knowledge and Management Models for Sustainable Growth”, 11-13 June, Matera, Italy (ISBN: 978-88-96687-04-8; ISSN: 2280-787X).

CARLUCCI D., SCHIUMA G. (2011) “A knowledge assets mapping methodology to view organisational knowledge-based value creation dynamics”, In: SCHIUMA G.. Managing Knowledge Assets and Business Value Creation in Organizations: Measures and Dynamics. IGI GLOBAL, HERSHEY, PA, pp. 67- 86.

SOLE F., CARLUCCI D., SCHIUMA G. (2010), “Understanding organisational knowledge –based value creation dynamics: a systems thinking approach”, in Taticchi P. (Editor) Business Performance Measurement and Management New Contents, Themes and Challenges, Springer, pp. 327-341.

SOLE F., CARLUCCI D., SCHIUMA G. (2009) “Assessing the value dimensions for customers in Knowledge Intensive Business Services”, in Best Practices for the Knowledge Society – Knowledge, Learning, Development and Technology for All Second World Summit on the Knowledge Society, WSKS 2009, Chania, Crete, Greece, September 16-18, 2009. Proceedings Series: Communications in Computer and Information Science , Vol. 49, pp. 288-297.

CARLUCCI D., SCHIUMA G. (2009), “Determining key performance indicators – an analytical network approach”, GUNASEKARAN A. and SANDHU M. (Editors), Handbook on Business Information Systems, World Scientific Publishing (Forthcoming Scheduled Winter 2009 ISBN 978-981-283-605-2).

SCHIUMA G., CARLUCCI D. (2007), “Assessing and Managing Knowledge Assets for Company Value Creation”, in YOOSUF C. (Editor) Knowledge Management Integrated, Heidelberg Press, Heidelberg, Victoria, pp. 27-46.

CARLUCCI D., SCHIUMA G. (2007), “Exploring intellectual capital concept in strategic management research”, in JOIA L. (Editor) Strategies for Information Technology and Intellectual Capital: Challenges and Opportunities, Idea Group Inc., London, pp. 10-28.

SCHIUMA G., LERRO A., CARLUCCI D. (2005), “An interfirm perspective on intellectual capital ” in MARR B. Perspectives on intellectual capital, Butterworth-Heinemann

CARLUCCI D., SCHIUMA G., (2004), “Managing knowledge assets for NPD performance improvement: results of an action research project”, in Karagiannis D. and Reimer U. (eds) Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence-Subseries of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, New York.


libri e contributi a libri a diffusione nazionale

SCHIUMA, G., CARLUCCI, D., LERRO, A. “La gestione degli intangibili per il cambiamento organizzativo”, in Cambiamento ed innovazione organizzativa nelle organizzazioni sanitarie, Franco Angeli, (Forthcoming).

CARLUCCI D., SCHIUMA G. (2011). “Lo stress lavorativo un fattore di rischio emergente nella gestione del capitale umano”. In:Schiuma G., Masella C., Longo M.. Valutazione e gestione degli intangibili nelle organizzazioni sanitarie. Altrimedia, 71- 89.

CARLUCCI D., SCHIUMA G. (2011). “La valutazione del clima organizzativo nelle organizzazioni sanitarie”. In:Schiuma G., Masella C., Longo M.. Valutazione e gestione degli intangibili nelle organizzazioni sanitarie. Altrimedia, 51- 69

LERRO A., CARLUCCI D., SCHIUMA G. (2011). “Il ruolo degli intangibili nelle dinamiche di creazione del valore”. In:Schiuma G., Masella C., Longo M.. Valutazione e gestione degli intangibili nelle organizzazioni sanitarie. Altrimedia, 13- 31


Riviste a diffusione internazionale

CARLUCCI, D., FERREIRA F., SCHIUMA, G., JALALI M.S., ANTÓNIO, N. J.S. “A holistic conception of sustainable banking: adding value with fuzzy cognitive mapping”; Technological and Economic Development of Economy (Forthcoming). DOI: 10.3846/20294913.2016.1266412.

MOUSTAGHFIR, K., SCHIUMA G., CARLUCCI D. (2016) “Rethinking performance management: a behavior-based perspective”, International Journal of Innovation and Learning, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 169-184,  DOI: 10.1504/IJIL.2016.077848.

CARLUCCI D., SCHIUMA G. (2014), “Organisational Climate As Performance Driver: Healthcare Workers’ perceptions in a large hospital”, Journal of Health Management, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 583-594.

CARLUCCI D., KUJANSIVU P. (2014) Using an AHP rating model to select a suitable approach to Intellectual Capital Management: the case of a not-for-profit welfare service, International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 22-42 (ISSN:1935-5688); DOI: 10.4018/ijisss.2014070102.

CARLUCCI D., SCHIUMA G., SOLE F., (2014), “The adoption and implementation of performance measurement process in Italian public organisations: the influence of political, cultural and rational factors”, Production Planning and Control, pp. 1-14, DOI:10.1080/09537287.2014.906678

CARLUCCI D., (2014), “Grasping knowledge based value creation dynamics in 21st century organizations”,  Measuring Business Excellence, Vol. 18. No.1, pp. 8-

CARLUCCI D., RENNA P., SCHIUMA G. (2013), “Evaluating service quality dimensions as antecedents to outpatient satisfaction using back propagation neural network”, Healthcare Management Science, Vol. 16, pp. 37-44.

SCHIUMA G., CARLUCCI D., SOLE F. (2012), Applying a systems thinking framework to assess knowledge assets dynamics for business performance improvement, Expert Systems With Applications, Vol. 39, No. 9, pp. 8044–8050.

CARLUCCI, D., SCHIUMA, G.  (2012), “Evaluating organisational climate through IC lens: the case of a public hospital”,  Measuring Business Excellence, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 79- 90, (ISSN:1368-3047).

CARLUCCI D. (2012), “Assessing the links between knowledge assets and value creation in organisations”, Measuring Business Excellence, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 70-82,  (ISSN:1368-3047).

CARLUCCI D., SCHIUMA G., LERRO A. (2012), “Managing knowledge processes for value creation”, VINE: The Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 4-14, ISSN: 0305-5728.

TAMBURIS O., CARLUCCI D., SCHIUMA G. (2012), Management of Intellectual Capital in Health Insurance Organizations, International Journal of Information Systems and the Services Sector, Vol. 4, DOI: 10.4018/IJISSS, ISSN: 1935-5688, EISSN: 1935-5696.

CARLUCCI D., SCHIUMA G., (2012), “Assessing and managing organizational climate in healthcare organizations: an Intellectual Capital based perspective”, International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 49-61.

KÄPYLÄ, J., LAIHONEN, H., LÖNNQVIST, A., CARLUCCI, D., (2011) “Knowledge-intensity as an organisational characteristic”, Knowledge Management Research and Practice, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp. 315-326.

CARLUCCI D., LERRO A., (2010), Foreword: investigating the role of intellectual capital in today’s business landscape, Measuring Business Excellence, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 3-10.

CARLUCCI D., (2010), Evaluating and selecting key performance indicators: an ANP-based model, Measuring Business Excellence, Vol. 14, No. 2, pp.66 – 76

CARLUCCI D., SCHIUMA G. (2009), “The knowledge based foundations of the organisational performance improvements: an action research project”, Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 8, pp. 333-344.

LÖNNQVIST A., SILLANPÄÄ V., CARLUCCI D., (2009), “Intellectual capital management in practice: assessment of implementation and outcomes”, Knowledge Management Research and Practice, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 308-316.

SOLE F., CARLUCCI D., (2010), “Understanding value created by KIBS: a business customer perspective”, International Journal of Services Technology and Management, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 376-390.

CARLUCCI D., SCHIUMA G. (2009), “Applying the Analytic Network Process to Disclose Knowledge Assets Value Creation Dynamics”, Expert Systems With Applications, Vol. 36, pp. 7687-7694.

CARLUCCI D., SCHIUMA G., SOLE F. (2009), “Disclosing and Assessing the Knowledge Assets Roots of Organisational Value Creation Dynamics”, The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture & Change Management, Vol. 8, N. 10, pp. 51-60.

SCHIUMA G., LERRO A., CARLUCCI D. (2008), “The Knoware Tree and the Regional Intellectual Capital Index: An Assessment Within Italy”, Journal of Intellectual Capital, Vol. 9, N. 2, pp. 283-300.

SCHIUMA G., CARLUCCI D. (2007), “Knowledge Asset Value Creation Map – Assessing knowledge asset value drivers using AHP”, Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 32, N. 3, 814-821.

LERRO, A., CARLUCCI, D. (2007), “Intellectual Capital and Regions: Origins, Theoretical Foundations, Decision-makers Implications”, International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital, Vol.4, No.4, pp. 356-376.

CARLUCCI D., SCHIUMA G., (2006), “Knowledge Assets Value Spiral: linking knowledge assets to company’s performance”, Knowledge & Process Management, Vol.13, No.1, pp.35-46.

CARLUCCI D., MARR B., SCHIUMA G., (2004), “The Knowledge value chain – How Intellectual Capital Impacts Business Performance”, International Journal of Technology Management, Vol. 27, No 6-7, pp. 575-590.


Atti di convegni a diffusione internazionale

SCHIUMA, G., LERRO, A., CARLUCCI, D., LINZALONE, R. (2016) The Business Model Innovation Prism: a framework for leading value creation and economic sustainability of cultural and arts organization, GSOM Emerging Markets Conference, 6-8 October 2016, St. Petersburg, Russia.

CARLUCCI, D., LERRO, A., LINZALONE, R., SANTARSIERO, F., SCHIUMA, G. (2016)  “Innovating Business Model in Cultural and Arts Organizations (CAOs): Role and Experiences in the Audience Development”, Proceedings of the XI edition of the International Forum on Knowledge Assets Dynamics (IFKAD), 15-17 June 2016, Dresden, Germany.

CARLUCCI, D., PELTOLA, S., SCHIUMA, G., (2015), “Arts in healthcare services: evaluating the impact on performance”, Performance measurement in transition: Moving beyond control, PMA Symposium, 23-25 September, Bologna.

CARLUCCI, D., FERREIRA F., SCHIUMA, G., JALALI M.S., ANTÓNIO, N. J.S. (2015) “A holistic conception of sustainable banking: adding value with fuzzy cognitive mapping”; Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Business and Information (BAI2015), 7-9 July, Macau.

SANTARSIERO F., CARLUCCI D., SCHIUMA G. (2015) “Projective techniques as a stimulus for innovative thinking in companies”, Proceedings of the 10th International Forum of Knowledge Assets Dynamics, “Culture, Innovation and Entrepreneurship: connecting the knowledge dots”, 10-12 June, Bari, Italy (ISBN 978-88-96687-06-2).

CARLUCCI D., SCHIUMA G. (2015) “Capturing and assessing the value of the arts based initiatives in organization”, Proceedings of International Forum of Knowledge Assets Dynamics, 10th edition “Culture, Innovation and Entrepreneurship: connecting the knowledge dots”, 10-12 June, Bari, Italy (ISBN 978-88-96687-06-2).

CARLUCCI D., KITANOVIĆ O., RALJIĆ I., VULOVIĆ N., JEVREMOVIĆ Z., (2015) “A platform for management of academic and entrepreneurial knowledge”, Proceedings of International Forum of Knowledge Assets Dynamics, 10th edition “Culture, Innovation and Entrepreneurship: connecting the knowledge dots”, 10-12 June, Bari, Italy (ISBN 978-88-96687-06-2).

RANKA STANKOVIĆ, OLIVERA KITANOVIĆ, IVAN OBRADOVIĆ, ROBERTO LINZALONE, GIOVANNI SCHIUMA, DANIELA CARLUCCI, (2014), Using metadata for content indexing within an OER network, Proceedings of The Fifth International Conference on e-Learning (eLearning-2014) (pp. 49-54), 22-23 sept. 2014, Belgrade, Serbia; ISBN 978-86-89755-04-6

MARIJA RADOJIČIĆ, IVAN OBRADOVIĆ, SAŠA TATAR, ROBERTO LINZALONE, GIOVANNI SCHIUMA, DANIELA CARLUCCI, (2014), Creating an environment for free education and technology enhanced learning, Proceedings of The Fifth International Conference on e-Learning (eLearning-2014) (pp. 44-48), 22-23 sept. 2014, Belgrade, Serbia;ISBN 978-86-89755-04-6

MOUSTAGHFIR K., CARLUCCI D., SCHIUMA G., (2014), “Behavior-based performance management: the value of arts to human performance”, Proceedings of International Forum of Knowledge Assets Dynamics, 9th edition “Knowledge and Management Models for Sustainable Growth”, 11-13 June, Matera, Italy (ISBN: 978-88-96687-04-8; ISSN: 2280-787X).

CARLUCCI D., FERREIRA F.A.F., SCHIUMA G., JALALI M.S., NELSON J. S. A, (2014), “A Knowledge-based Representation of Sustainable Banking: Insights from Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping”, Proceedings of International Forum of Knowledge Assets Dynamics, 9th edition “Knowledge and Management Models for Sustainable Growth”, 11-13 June, Matera, Italy (ISBN: 978-88-96687-04-8; ISSN: 2280-787X).

LAIHONEN H., JÄÄSKELÄINEN A., CARLUCCI D., LINZALONE R., (2013), “Performance Information and Managerial Knowledge Needs”, Proceedings of 7th Conference On Performance Measurement And Management Control”, September 18-20, Barcelona, Spain.

MOUSTAGHFIR K., SCHIUMA G., CARLUCCI D. (2013) “Towards a behavior-based performance management system: Assumptions and perspectives”, PMA Symposium 2013, 2-4 October, Loch Lomond (Scotland).

CARLUCCI D., SCHIUMA G., MURA M., (2013), “Organisational Climate, Openness to Innovation and Employees’ Innovative Work Behaviour: An Analysis In Healthcare Setting”, Proceedings of 20th EurOMA conference, Operations Management at the Heart of the Recovery, 7-12 June, Dublin, Ireland (ISBN 978-1-905254-74-3).

CARLUCCI D., LINZALONE R., SCHIUMA G. (2013). “Organisational climate and its role in HC service delivery: perception in a large public hospital”, Proceedings of International Forum of Knowledge Assets Dynamics, 8th edition “Smart Growth: Organizations, Cities and Communities”, 12-14 June, Zagreb, Croatia (ISBN 978-88-96687-01-7; ISSN 2280-787X).

CARLUCCI D., SCHIUMA G., GAVRILOVA T., LINZALONE R. (2013). “A Fuzzy Cognitive Map based approach to disclose value creation dynamics of ABIs”, Proceedings of International Forum of Knowledge Assets Dynamics, 8th edition “Smart Growth: Organizations, Cities and Communities”, 12-14 June, Zagreb, Croatia(ISBN 978-88-96687-01-7; ISSN 2280-787X).

GAVRILOVA T., SCHIUMA G., CARLUCCI D. (2013). “Art of Visual Thinking for Smart Business Education”, Proceedings of International Forum of Knowledge Assets Dynamics, 8th edition “Smart Growth: Organizations, Cities and Communities”, 12-14 June, Zagreb, Croatia (ISBN 978-88-96687-01-7; ISSN 2280-787X).

CARLUCCI D., SCHIUMA G., (2013), “Organisational climate and individual innovation in a public hospital”, Proceedings of 3rd Participatory Innovation Conference PIN-C 2013, 18-20 June, Lahti, Finland.

CARLUCCI D., SCHIUMA G., SOLE F. (2012). Organisational climate as driver of individual innovation: an investigation in healthcare setting. Proceedings of PMA 2012 Conference – From Strategy to Delivery. 11-13 July, Cambridge.

CARLUCCI D., SCHIUMA G., SOLE F. (2012). Organizational Climate and Innovative Behaviour of Healthcare Workers: an investigation of the influential factors. Proceedings of Euram 2012: Social Innovation for Competitiveness, Organisational Performance and Human Excellence. 6th-8th june 2012, Rotterdam.

SOLE F; CARLUCCI D; G. SCHIUMA (2011). Performance measurement utilisation in public organizations: the influence of political, cultural and rational factors. Proceedings of 18th EurOMA Conference. 3-6 July 2011, Cambridge, United Kingdom.

CARLUCCI D; G. SCHIUMA; SOLE F (2011). Employees’ Innovative Work Behaviour and Organisational Climate in Healthcare. Proceedings of International Forum of Knowledge Assets Dynamics, Knowledge-Based Foundations of the Service Economy. 15-17 June 2011.

  1. CARLUCCI; SCHIUMA G; SOLE F (2011). “Employees’ Innovative Work Behaviour and Organisational Climate in Healthcare”, Proceedings of nternational Forum of Knowledge Assets Dynamics. 15-17 june, Tampere,

CARLUCCI D., SCHIUMA G., SOLE F., (2010), “Investigating the link between organizational climate and innovative behaviour in healthcare organizations”, Proceedings of EBRF, Research Forum to Understand Business in Knowledge Society, Co-Creation as a Way Forward, September 15-17, Spa Hotel Rantasipi Eden, Nokia, Finland.

CARLUCCI D., SCHIUMA G. (2010), “IC-based dimensions of organizational climate in healthcare organizations”, Proceedings of International Forum of Knowledge Assets Dynamics, 5th edition Intellectual Capital in a Complex Business Landscape, 24-25 june, Matera, Italy.

KÄPYLÄ, J., LAIHONEN, H., LÖNNQVIST, A., CARLUCCI, D., (2010), “Knowledge-intensity as an organisational characteristic”, Proceedings of International Forum of Knowledge Assets Dynamics, 5th edition, Matera, Italy.

CARLUCCI D., SCHIUMA G., SOLE F., LINZALONE R., (2010), “Strategic management of IC dimensions affecting organisational climate into healthcare organizations”, Proceedings of the 12th international business research conference, 8-9 April 2010, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai, United Arab Emirates ISBN: 978-0-980-4557-0-9

CARLUCCI, D., LERRO, A., SCHIUMA, G., LETTIERI, E., RADAELLI, G., MASELLA, C., MURA, M., LONGO, M., TESTA, S. (2010), “Knowledge and Performance Improvement in Healthcare: an Ongoing Research Agenda”, Proceedings of the Euroma Conference 2010 on “Managing Operations in Services Economies”, 6-9 June, Porto, Portugal.

CARLUCCI D., SCHIUMA G., SOLE F., LINZALONE R., (2009), “Assessing and managing climate into healthcare organizations”, Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Insights into the Sustainable Growth of Business”, 19-21 November, Vilnius, Lituania.

SOLE F., CARLUCCI D., SCHIUMA G. (2009), “Mapping Intellectual Capital dynamics to identify company’s value drivers”, Proceedings of the European Conference on Intellectual Capital, Harleem, 28-29 April.

CARLUCCI D., SCHIUMA G., SOLE F. (2009) “Mapping the knowledge roots of value dynamics”, Proceedings of International Forum on Knowledge Assets Dynamics, Glasgow, 17-18 February.

LERRO, A., CARLUCCI, D., SCHIUMA, G. (2009), “A knowledge-based model of organizational innovation capability: evidences from an Italian leading company of home furniture”, Proceedings of the ICKMIC 2009 – International Conference on Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital, 26- 27 February 2009, IMT Ghaziabad, India.

CARLUCCI D., SCHIUMA G., SOLE F. (2008), “Mapping knowledge asset roots of organisational value creation dynamics”, Proceedings of the EBRF 2008 – Research Forum to understand Business in Knowledge Society, September 22 – 24, 2008; Helsinki – Stockholm, Finland – Sweden.

CARLUCCI D., KUJANSIVU P., (2008), “Selecting a Suitable Approach to Intellectual Capital Management: An AHP-based Framework”, Proceedings of the EBRF 2008 – Research Forum to understand Business in Knowledge Society, September 22 – 24, 2008; Helsinki – Stockholm, Finland – Sweden.

LÖNNQVIST A., SILLANPÄÄ V., CARLUCCI D., (2008), “Intellectual capital management in practice: assessment of implementation and outcomes”, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management & Organisational Learning New York Institute of Technology, New York, USA, 9-10 October 2008.

CARLUCCI D., SOLE F., SCHIUMA G. (2008), “Disclosing and assessing the knowledge asset roots of organisational value creation dynamics”, Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change in Organisations, 5-8 August, Cambridge University, UK.

SOLE, F., CARLUCCI, D., SCHIUMA, G. (2007), “Assessing the value of knowledge assets: a system dynamics approach”, EIASM Worksop on “Visualising, Managing, and Measuring Intangibles” 29-31 Ottobre, Ferrara, Italy.

CARLUCCI, D., (2007), “Disclosing knowledge asset value drivers through the Analytic Network Process”, Proceedings of the II International Forum on Knowledge Assets Dynamics “Intellectual Capital Dynamics and Performance Management”, 22- 23 June 2007, Matera, Italy, pp.58-60.

CARLUCCI, D., SCHIUMA, G. (2007), “Disclosing knowledge assets value drivers in NPD by the Analytic Network Process”, 14th International Annual EurOMA conference, Ankara, Turkey, 17-20 June.

CARLUCCI, D., SCHIUMA, G. (2007), “Assessing the role of knowledge assets in value creation dynamics by using the Analytic Network Process”, IC-Congress, INHOLLAND University of professional education, Haarlem, The Netherlands, 3-4 May.

CARLUCCI D., SCHIUMA G., (2006), “Investigating intellectual capital concept and its components in strategic management research”, EIASM; 2nd Workshop on visualising, measuring and managing intangibles and intellectual capital, October 25-27, 2006, Maastricht.

CARLUCCI D., SCHIUMA G., (2006), “Selecting and prioritizing key performance indicators by using the Analytic Network Process”, in proceedings of PMA conference 2006, 25-28 July, London.

LERRO A., CARLUCCI D., SCHIUMA G., TOLVE R. (2006), “Intellectual Capital Benchmarking: an application to Italian regions”, in proceedings of PMA conference 2006, 25-28 July, London.

SCHIUMA G., SOLE F., CARLUCCI D., (2006), “Managing and measuring e-learning: an application to the Italian construction industry”, IMCL2006 Conference, April 19 -21, 2006 Amman, Jordan

CARLUCCI D., SCHIUMA G., LERRO A., (2005), “How to create value by measuring and managing knowledge assets”, in proceedings of 1° European Institute for advanced studies in management (EIASM) workshop on “Visualising, Measuring and Managing Intangibles and Intellectual Capital”, 18-20 October, Ferrara.

CARLUCCI D., SCHIUMA G., LERRO A., (2005), “Regional Intellectual Capital Index (RICI) –Assessing the links between Intellectual Capital and regional Value Creation”, in proceedings of 1° European Institute for advanced studies in management (EIASM) workshop on “Visualising, Measuring and Managing Intangibles and Intellectual Capital”, 18-20 October, Ferrara.

CARLUCCI D., SCHIUMA G., (2005), “Building Knowledge into Company’s Strategy”, in proceedings of “2nd International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning (ICICKM)”, 21-22 November 2005, Dubai.

SCHIUMA G., LERRO A., CARLUCCI D. (2005), “Relationships Between Intellectual Capital And Value Creation Capability Within Italian Regions”, paper presentato ed accettato per l’inclusione nei proceedings of  “eBFR Conference”, 26-28 September, Tampere (Finland).

SCHIUMA G., LERRO A., CARLUCCI D., (2005), “The Knoware Tree – A framework for assessing IC within Local Production Systems”, in proceedings of Mc Master Conference, 26-28 january 2005, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

CARLUCCI D., MARR B., SCHIUMA G., (2004), “Mapping the value of Intellectual Capital: How knowledge assets contribute to create corporate value”, in proceedings of PMA conference 2004, 28-30 july, Edinburgh.

CARLUCCI D., SCHIUMA G., (2004), “Managing knowledge assets for business performance improvement”, in proceedings of OKLC 2004, 2-3 april, Innsbruck.

CARLUCCI D., MARR B., SCHIUMA G., (2003), “Linking KM initiatives and business performance: The Knowledge assets value creation map”, in proceedings of 4th European Conference on Knowledge Management, 18-19 september, Oriel College, Oxford University.

CARLUCCI D., LINZALONE R., SCHIUMA G., (2003), “Improving NPD within IDs by Knowledge Management initiatives: the case study of the ID of Matera”, paper presentato alla EUROMA-POMS Joint International Conference One world? One view of OM? The challenges of Integrating Research & Practice, 16-18 giugno, Como.

CARLUCCI D., DI GIUSEPPE M., SCHIUMA G., (2003), “Managing innovation within industrial district: an organisational and managerial model”, in proceedings of Advancing Entrepreneurship and small business- International Council for Small Business 48th World Conference, 15-18 giugno, Belfast.

CARLUCCI D., SCHIUMA G., (2002), “How Knowledge Management initiatives impact on business performance”, in proceedings of 3rd European Conference on Knowledge Management, 24-25 September, Trinity College Dublin.

Albino V., Carlucci D., Schiuma G. (2002), “Knowledge Management for Business Performance Improvement”, paper presentato alla 9th EUROMA Conference Operation Management and New Economy, 2-4 June, Copenhagen.

CARLUCCI D., DI GIUSEPPE M., SCHIUMA G., (2001), “Knowledge Management Practices for Performance Improvement of the Supply Chain Relationships”, in proceedings of 16th International Conference on Production Research, 29 July – 3 August, Praga.

Atti di convegni a diffusione nazionale

CARLUCCI D., SCHIUMA G., LERRO A., (2005), “Regional Intellectual Capital Index (RICI). Relazione tra Capitale Intellettuale e capacità di creazione del valore nei sistemi locali. Il caso delle regioni italiane.”, in Atti della XVI Riunione Scientifica Annuale AiIG “L’Impresa del Futuro. Reti, cluster e piattaforme tecnologiche”, Edizioni scientifiche italiane, 13-14 ottobre, Catania.

CARLUCCI D., SCHIUMA G., (2005), “La gestione degli asset cognitivi per il miglioramento delle prestazioni di impresa”, in Atti della XVI Riunione Scientifica Annuale AiIG “L’Impresa del Futuro. Reti, cluster e piattaforme tecnologiche”, Edizioni scientifiche italiane, 13-14 ottobre, Catania.

CARLUCCI D., SCHIUMA G., (2002), “Progetti di Knowledge Management: strumenti per la Gestione delle Prestazioni di Impresa”, in atti della XIII Riunione Scientifica AiIG “Impresa e Competizione Knowledge based”, 7-8 novembre, Lecce.

Altre pubblicazioni

CARLUCCI, D., FRISONE, F; MATERA, M. (2007), “Comunicare il trasferimento tecnologico. Un confronto qualitativo tra l’ENEA e Centri di Ricerca nazionali ed internazionali”, RAPPORTO TECNICO RT/2007/14/SIC, ISSN/0393-3016

LINZALONE, R., CARLUCCI, D., (2006), Migliorare le prestazioni dello sviluppo prodotto attraverso la Valutazione e Gestione dei knowledge assets”, DAPIT Ricerche, Rivista del Dipartimento di Architettura, Pianificazione e Infrastrutture di Trasporto, Novembre, anno XII, n.2., pp. 175-201.

SCHIUMA, G., LERRO, A., DI GIUSEPPE, M., CARLUCCI, D., LINZALONE, R., MORELLI, G., GLIONNA, S., DE LEONARDIS, D. (2003a), “Dimensioni di competitività del distretto industriale murgiano del mobile imbottito”, Atti del Convegno Competitività e sviluppo strategico del distretto del mobile imbottito di Matera, 5 Luglio 2003, Matera, Italia.

SCHIUMA, G., LERRO, A., DI GIUSEPPE, M., CARLUCCI, D., LINZALONE, R., MORELLI, G., GLIONNA, S., DE LEONARDIS, D. (2003b), “Caratteri strutturali e funzionali del distretto industriale murgiano del mobile imbottito”, Atti del Convegno Competitività e sviluppo strategico del distretto del mobile imbottito di Matera, 5 Luglio 2003, Matera, Italia.

SCHIUMA, G., LERRO, A., DI GIUSEPPE, M., CARLUCCI, D., LINZALONE, R., MORELLI, G., GLIONNA, S., DE LEONARDIS, D. (2003c), “Lo scenario competitivo mondiale del distretto industriale murgiano del mobile imbottito”, Atti del Convegno Competitività e sviluppo strategico del distretto del mobile imbottito di Matera, 5 Luglio 2003, Matera, Italia.

CARLUCCI D., SCHIUMA G., (2006), “Knowledge Assets Value Spiral: linking knowledge assets to company’s performance”, Knowledge & Process Management Volume 13, Issue 1,

CARLUCCI D., SCHIUMA G., (2004), “Managing knowledge assets for NPD performance improvement: results of an action research project”, in Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence,

CARLUCCI D., (2004) ,“Il Knowledge Management per il miglioramento delle prestazioni di impresa”, Tesi di dottorato, Università degli studi della Repubblica di San Marino.
